User Review
Patel Brothers Featured

Bad Bad Experience
I thought of sharing my BAD experience at Patel Brothers, West Roshelle Road at Irving, TX. I have been shopping there for past two years. I felt that is is a good store with good customer service..
Well all that 2 years of experience just changed in one day...
Here is what happened...
Couple of weeks ago we bought grocery worth $95 from Patel brothers, when we reached home we realized that one of the item is missing from the list. Then I checked the receipt the charge for that item was there. I told my wife don't worry it is small stuff, If you like to call the store and let them know what happened and they will work something out. So she called the store and they said OK come down and we will work it out. Following Sunday when we went. The young guy claimed to be "the owner" of the store took the receipt and went inside the office for good 20-30 minutes. When he came back, he asked me to come to his office. When I went to the office, He was showing me the video of that days shopping and started telling that look at this, here is the item in the cashiers counter I felt so bad as if I was a thief and trying to rob him. I told him That's what I was trying to tell you that the item was scanned but somehow not got in the cart. He was not listening me and started saying that if you go to walmart that's what they will do. They will not give you the item if the video shows that it was scanned and put in the bag. I still feel bad that I went there to even discuss this. I told him that's fine and determined I will never go there again.