User Review
Royal Sweets and Snacks Featured
Spoiled Food and Terrible customer service, how do they stay in Business?!
I bought sweets for over $50.00. 2 packs of Jilabies were spoiled and only way I found out is when I served it to my guests.Anyways I went back to the store today and showed the receipt and described the problem.
I couldn't even finish the lady behind the counter went off in either Hindi or Urdu and later on in English that she, herself sold the sweets to me yesterday and I had tried the sweets before I bought it. She kept on and on and on. If she were to look at the receipt I had placed in front of her and if she would have tried to read the date she would have realized it was few days earlier.
I had my two daughters with me and simply didn't want to argue. I left the sweets on the counter and left the store saying I didn't want to argue and may not come back to that store any more.
If I were to report this to the Health Department do they realize that how much damage it may cause, I guess not. Do they realize what customer service is? certainly not.